Teaching kid how to write

Educational Support Programs

ESP of Foundation Academy

Types of Programs

Students applying to Foundation Academy needing additional support as indicated in a 504, IEP plan, diagnosed learning difficulty, or other indicators presented during the application process will be considered for one of the ESPs. These programs are an additional cost and are worked in during the student’s daily school schedule.

(NILD) Discovery:

The National Institute of Learning Development (NILD) Discovery Program of Educational Therapy utilizes specifically trained and qualified therapists who provide learning assessments and individualized, intensive, mediated learning experiences to the students. Direct intervention and the resulting competence and confidence allow the students to gain the skills needed to become independent learners for a lifetime. NILD Educational Therapy is a direct, language-based intervention for students with learning challenges.

The Discovery Program is for students in second through twelfth grade. As students make progress, the ET2 option is available when only minimal deficits are present.


TEACH© is an early intervention program developed to meet the educational needs of young learners before they experience frustration in the learning process. The TEACH Program is offered to kindergarten and first-grade students.

Rx for Reading:

In 2013, Foundation Academy implemented the NILD Program for international students and/or students needing intensive focus on the English language and the components for effective reading skills. This program develops the five components of reading outlined by the National Reading Panel Report of 2000: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. These skills are critical for overall academic achievement. Rx for Reading models how to weave these components, which we call “strands of language” into a language braid that is comprehensive, constructive, and creative.


FIE is a cognitive (thinking) intervention to enable students to think more efficiently, clearly, and effectively to become more academically successful. FIE enables therapists to affect change in the structure of children’s minds so that young brains work at maximum efficiency and realize academic success and enhance executive functioning skills. It strives to refocus and sharpen students’ drive to think, learn, and develop 21st-century skills in the classroom.

Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing® (LiPS®):

The Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing® (LiPS®) program develops phoneme awareness (the foundation for learning to read). Students learn to recognize how their mouths produce the sounds of language. This kinesthetic feedback enables them to verify sounds within words and to become self-correcting in reading, spelling, and speech.

Headshot of Alicia Barilla - NILD Therapist

Alicia Barilla

School Counselor / Educational Therapist

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Headshot of Ruth Ann Farmer - Director of NILD

Ruth Ann Farmer

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0032 Guernier Mary Beth 01

Mary Beth Guernier

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Claudia Joaquin

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0041 Martin Anna 01

Anna Martin

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0050 Richards Stacey 01

Stacey Richards

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0051 Richards Suzanne 01

Suzy Richards

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0064 Vickers Carole 01

Carole Vickers

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